Accepted Extended Abstracts
Accepted Extended Abstracts
Authors and titles of accepted extended abstracts are listed below:
- Manyu Xiao, Aurore Guglielmetti, Manuel Herrera and Rajan Filomeno Coelho. Investigation of three genotypes for mixed variable evolutionary optimization
- Hanna Schaefer and Nicolas R. Gauger. A Monotone Spectral Projected Gradient Method for Elastic Problems
- Lina Mallozzi, Pierluigi De Paolis, Gabriele Di Francesco and Alessandro D’Argenio. Computational Results for Flight Test Points Distribution in the Flight Envelope
- Kai Karger and Dieter Bestle. Parametric Blending and FE-Optimisation of a Compressor Blisk Test Case
- Adriana Nastase. The Global Optimal Design of Flying Configurations with Movable Leading Edge Flaps, in Supersonic Flow
- Lisa Kusch, Nicolas R. Gauger and Martin Spiller. Efficient Calculation of Pareto Optimal Points for Shape Optimization
- Pawel Jarosz and Tadeusz Burczynski. Scalability tests of hybrid immune-game IMGAMO algorithm in multiobjective problems
- Lina Mallozzi, Alessandro D’Argenio, Gabriele Di Francesco and Pierluigi De Paolis. Design of a Flight Test Matrix and Dynamic Relocation
- Egidio D’Amato, Elia Daniele and Lina Mallozzi. Equilibria in a sensor device location problem in astrophysics
- Elios Ferrauto, Elia Daniele and Domenico P. Coiro. Horizontal axis hydroturbine Shroud airfoil optimization
- Kazuhisa Chiba, Masahiro Kanazaki, Koki Kitagawa and Toru Shimada. Conceptual Design of Single-Stage Launch Vehicle with Hybrid Rocket Engine Using Design Informatics
- Ignacio A. Nuez and Jose J. Quintana. Electrical model of the electrochemical double layer capacitors for use as energy storage system
- J. Sosa, Tomás Bautista, Daniel Alcaraz, Juan A. Montiel-Nelson and S. García-Alonso. Generation of New Detection Codes for GPS Satellites Using NSGA-II
- Ioannis Kavvadias, George Karpouzas, Evangelos Papoutsis-Kiachagias, Dimitris Papadimitriou and Kyriakos Giannakoglou. Optimal Flow Control and Topology Optimization Using the Continuous Adjoint Method in Unsteady Flows
- Jorge Muñoz, Javier García and Antonio Crespo. Multi-objective aerodynamic optimization of high-speed trains in tunnels
- Konstantinos Tsiakas, Xenofon Trompoukis, Varvara Asouti and Kyriakos Giannakoglou. Design-Optimization of a Compressor Blading on a GPU Cluster
- Lena Kaland, Matthias Sonntag and Nicolas R. Gauger. Adaptive Aerodynamic Design Optimization for Navier-Stokes using Shape Derivatives with Discontinous Galerkin Methods
- Jorge Santana-Cabrera, José Miguel Monzón-Verona, Francisco Jorge Santana-Martin, Santiago Garcia-Alonso and Juan A. Montiel-Nelson. Analysis of the Capacitance Matrix of an Electrostatic Capacitive Microswitch Based on Different Etched Geometries
- Jorge Santana-Cabrera, José Miguel Monzón-Verona, Franciso Jorge Santana-Martín, Santiago García-Alonso and Juan A. Montiel-Nelson. Optimization of the Dimensionless Model of an Electrostatic Microswitch based on AMGA Algorithm
- Philipp Amtsfeld, Dieter Bestle and Marcus Meyer. Direct 3D Aerodynamic Optimization of Turbine Blades with GPU-accelerated CFD
- Georgios Kanellis, Antti Oksanen, Kyriakos Giannakoglou and Matti Ylitalo. Combination of CFD and Optimization algorithms in minimizing a BFB Boiler’s emissions
- Begoña González, Antonio Pulido, Miguel Martínez and Gabriel Winter. Estimation of the Electricity Demand of La Palma Island (Spain)
- Gianluca Badjan, Carlo Poloni, Andrew W. Pike and Nadir Z. Ince. Evaluation of Surrogate Modelling Methods for Turbo-machinery Component Design Optimization
- Emiliano Iuliano and Domenico Quagliarella. Wing shape optimization by surrogate modeling
- Pietro Marco Congedo, Paolo Maria Congedo, Valentino Pediroda and Lucia Parussini. Optimization under uncertainty of horizontal ground heat exchangers
- Pietro Marco Congedo, Gianluca Geraci, Remi Abgrall and Gianluca Iaccarino. Multi-objective design optimization using high-order statistics for CFD applications
- Ana Sánchez, Isabel Marton, Sebastian Martorell and Sofía Carlos. Testing and maintenance optimization of HPIS system under unavailability and costs criteria considering the effect of uncertainties on the aging modelling
- Pablo Ignacio González Domínguez and José Miguel Monzón Verona. Contribution to improvement of the computing times for G, C, D matrix in the Cell Method
- Sebastian Martorell, Maryory Villamizar, Isabel Marton and Ana Isabel Sanchez. An approach for the evaluation of risk impact of changes addressing uncertainties in a Surveillance Requirement optimization context
- Bartolomé García, Begoña González, Blas Galván and Gabriel Winter. Evolutionary Optimization using Exact Intervals as Objective Function or Figure of Merit
- Rayco Toledo, Juan José Aznárez, Orlando Maeso and David Greiner. A comparative study on design optimization of polygonal and Bézier curve-shaped thin noise barriers using dual BEM formulation
- Carlos Morillo, Gabriel Bugeda and Ds Lee. Green Design and Multidisciplinary Optimization of Carbon Nanotube Composite Structures
- Rubén Paz Hernández, Mario Monzón Verona, Gabriel Winter Althaus, Fernando Ortega García and Begoña González Landín. Design Optimization with Genetic Algorithms and Surrogate Models for Lightening Parts Made by Additive Manufacturing
- Pietro Marco Congedo, Francesca Fusi, Alberto Guardone and Giuseppe Quaranta. Robust Optimization of a helicopter rotor airfoil using multi-fidelity approach
- Beckett Y. Zhou and Nicolas R. Gauger. A Discrete Adjoint Approach For Trailing-Edge Noise Minimization using Porous Material
- Andreas Griewank and Torsten Bosse. ABOSO, an algorithm for Adjoint Based One-Shot Optimization
- Manon Bondouy, Sophie Jan, Serge Laporte and Christian Bès. On the choice of surrogates for submodels in the context of hierarchical multilevel aircraft perfomance models
- Anna Engels-Putzka and Jan Backhaus. Adjoint-based Shape Sensitivities for Turbomachinery Design Optimizations
- José Andrés Moreno Pérez, Julio Brito and Airam Expósito Márquez. Bi-objective Discrete PSO for Service-oriented VRPTW
- Domenico Quagliarella, Giovanni Petrone and Gianluca Iaccarino. Reliability-based Design Optimization with the Generalized Inverse Distribution Function
- Mustapha Maarouf, Adriel Sosa, Blas Galván, David Greiner, Gabriel Winter, Maximo Mendez and Ricardo Aguasca. The Role of Artificial Neural Networks in Evolutionary Optimization: A Review
- Marco Caboni, Edmondo Minisci and M. Sergio Campobasso. Robust Design of a 5-MW Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine
- Giovanni Petrone, Chris Hill and Marco Evangelos Biancolini. Optimization under Uncertainty using Adjoint Solutions and Radial Basis Function based Morphing
- David Greiner, Jacques Periaux, Jose M. Emperador, Blas Galvan and Gabriel Winter. A Study of Nash Evolutionary Algorithms for Reconstruction Inverse Problems in Structural Engineering
- Fiete Poehlmann, Dieter Bestle, Peter Flassig and Michel Hinz. Modular Automated Aerodynamic Compressor Design Process
- Anil Nemili, Emre Ozkaya, Nicolas Gauger, Felix Kramer and Frank Thiele. Optimal Separation Control on the Flap of a 2D High-Lift Configuration
- Max Sagebaum, Emre Ozkaya and Nicolas Gauger. Challenges in the Algorithmic Differentiation of an Industrial CFD Solver
- Stefanie Gunther, Nicolas R. Gauger and Qiqi Wang. Extension of the One-Shot Method for Optimal Control with Unsteady PDEs
- Maria Schutte, Stephan Schmidt and Andrea Walther. Towards Shape Identification for Systems Governed by Maxwell Equations
- Jean-Antoine Désidéri, Andrea Minelli and Enric Roca Leon. Algorithms for multi-objective optimization : a quest for the Pareto front
- Juha Soikkeli, Toni Ruohonen, Kaisa Hänninen and Pekka Neittaanmäki. Simulating and Optimizing the Impact of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) In Home Care
- Pekka Neittaanmäki and Tuukka Puranen. Scalable Deployment of Efficient Transportation Optimization for SMEs and Public Sector